How to Drink
There are many people who cannot get used to the unique taste of Propolis. When first drinking Propolis, there may be a bitter taste that stays in the throat for a while. However, there are many ways to drink Propolis without worrying about the taste. Propolis is for your health, please look for the best way of drinking it!!
Step 1: Decide which drink to add Propolis into (in the video, we are using a bottle of sparkling water)
Step 2: Have the Propolis ready with the dropper attached to the cap.
Step 3: Drop 10 drops of Propolis into the drink slowly as shown in the video.
Step 1: Decide which drink to add Propolis into (in the video, we are using a bottle of sparkling water)
Step 2: Have the Propolis ready with the dropper attached to the cap.
Step 3: Drop Propolis inside the dropper all at once into the drink with one squish as shown in the video.

Amount of drinking (for people who have no health problems)
Propolis is not a medicine, therefore there is not specific amount of drinking as a rule. There is only an about amount, which we only suggest.
- As a suggestion for the amount, one drop for 10 kg of weight (For example, Weight is 50 kg=5 drops) for the first week is the best.
- Later on, check your health status (any itches, rashes, fevers?) and if there is no problem, adding the drops day by day will be ideal. As an ideal, drinking one Propolis bottle per month is the best.
It is suggested to drink Propolis not all at once, but separating it into several times. That is because, Propolis’s active ingredient works within the body for about 10 hours. After that, it is egested from the body. What it is different from supplements and other health foods is that, within this 10 hours, Propolis exert its best and work within the body. Therefore, it is best for this active ingredient to be going around the body for the whole day to give more nutrition.
Amount of drinking (for people who with health problems)
For the first one week or so, it is the same as people who are healthy. Try to drink one drop per 10 kg of weight.
- Then, later on, add more drops depending on your health. Propolis is not a medicine, so there is no worry for adverse effects. Receiving advise from the doctor is once choice as well.

Amount of drinking (for children)
Half the amount of a healthy adult is a suggestion. If it is a toddler, it is best to give 2 to 3 drops.
*Do not give Propolis to babies.
It is best drinking with…
- Milk
- Yogurt
- Honey
- Juice
- Lactic acid bacteria beverage
- Coffee or tea
- Inserting them into capsules
- Insert a drink into your mouth, look above and insert few drops of Propolis into your mouth directly
- Your own cup (it is best to not share cups)
- Paper cups that can be thrown away after drinking
These are all suggestion we received from our customers all over the world. Hot and cold water are the most popular to drink along with Propolis and after that, comes milk. The lactic acid bacteria within the milk helps take away the bitterness. In addition, if Propolis is too bitter for you, we advise using a capsule that is sold at drug stores.